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Ultimate UW Madison Board Game

Think of it as Monopoly meets Cards Against Humanity. And of course it takes place in Madtown.

Orci dui condimentum rutrum laoreet hac purus porta sem sem a vivamus a posuere vel molestie.
Best Years of Your Life In a Board Game
You liked eating pizza at Ian's and you were there when there was no spot left to study at College Library. You and your friends pulled all nighters just to pass that brutal OCHEM final. Now it's your time to own the place that gave you the memories and have some fun with it.
Classic Monopoly board with your favorite Madison hang-outs and places. A board that resembles your Tuesday nights, finals week, your freshman year and so more. Now you can buy and collect rental income from those places you have been in love. First game board ever themed based upon Madison.
Local Spots
Own Madison
You struggled to find a table in College Library during finals week. How about you owned College Library and charged other players just because being there?
play with dare cards
Dare cards allow you and other players to have an memorable experience. However, it's not everybody's cup of tea. It can be a little intimidating for others to perform the courageous tasks in Dare Cards. So, it's optional. However if you decide to play with Dare Cards, then other players should keep each other accountable in case someone bails out 🙃.
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The high color fidelity and low compression of ProRes let you record, edit, and deliver broadcast-ready content on the go. Now you can complete a project in ProRes entirely on your iPhone. Or easily bring ProRes videos from your iPhone into Final Cut Pro on your Mac.
"A sem a velit consequat a torquent posuere nibh consectetur ac sodales mi vulputate imperdiet suspendisse a adipiscing felis convallis est tristique faucibus condimentum ante viverra."
Tracy Jordan
Comedian, TGS
"Vestibulum lacinia varius habitant dis aenean.
A parturient non ultricies a parturient leo a nascetur at consectetur turpis praesent mus ornare nulla posuere vel parturient."
Elaine Benes
Editor, Pendant Publishing
"Purus dis a primis rhoncus blandit velit suspendisse porta at ullamcorper suscipit a scelerisque sed pharetra facilisi vitae."
Louis Huang
Restaurant Owner, Cattleman's Ranch
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